Nov 11, 2014

The 5-minute guide to getting Vagrant up and running (Windows .box edition)

This blog post came about because I had an emergency need a fresh Windows box on the Macbook I'm using. took me a few seconds to get up and running, so why 5 min? Because I already had vagrant installed and .box file available.

It will really take you about 35 seconds to get up and running, but you still need to download and install some stuff.

Minute 1 - Download and install Vagrant

Minute 2 - Download and Install Virtual Box

Minute 3-4 - Download a Windows .box file

We're going to use Windows 7 Enterprise x86 - others are available here:

  • Open Command line
  • Execute: vagrant box add alex_rocks

Minute 5 - Get vagrant box up and running

This is the only step I had to do to get up and running
  • Open command line and create a new folder (example - C:\vagrant_test)
  • Go to that folder and type vagrant init
  • Edit the Vagrantfile and paste the following gist into it:
  • Save, Exit
  • execute: Vagrant up

Minute 6 - Do whatever you need to do with the Windows you now have. 

...what's a blog post with no pictures?

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